The Afman Family Foundation

Short description

At the end of 1996 the first Afman Family Book was completed, 270 pages of history of the Afman Family. The book was presented to over one hundred family members at a family meeting in Groningen on November 16, 1996. The English translation of the book followed soon thereafter and was received with open arms by the English speaking family members.

After the family meeting a small amount of money was left because of donations received from the visitors. Also the sale of the books resulted in a positive saldo. All this money was used to set up the Afman Family Foundation.

The Foundation keeps the genealogy of the family up to date in a database, administers archives of documents and articles that are of interest for family history and maintains a mailing-list of all Afmans. In order to be able to execute these tasks, the Foundation urgently requests all relatives to let the secretary know about events like births, deaths, marriages and changes of address. As to the archives, interesting (copies of) documents are always welcome. The Foundation is trying to collect photographs of all relatives, as well as pictures of family events like weddings and jubilees for the benefit of photo-archives. Birth, marriage and death announcements or certificates and other documents like report cards, school certificates, newspaper cuttings, correspondence etcetera may be sent to:

Margrietha W. Prins - Afman
Ollandseweg 189
5491 XB Sint - Oedenrode
the Netherlands.

Every six months the Foundation publishes the Dutch magazine Afmanuscript for the benefit of the Foundation donors. The minimum amount for donation is € 15. For all English-speaking relatives there is a free Newsletter, but donations to cover the expenses are welcomed. Actually all gifts are welcome as there happens to be a yearly gap. If you send money, please send cash by mail to avoid the high costs of bank administration that go with international cheques. Finances are checked by Theo Afman, registered accountant (auditor).

In the year 2011 the family name existed 200 years and as a consequence a new family book was presented. A special novelty was that the children of the female Afmans figure in the book, i.e. children whose surname is not Afman.

If you are a family member or parented to it you are possibly interested in your ancestors namesakes. If so, join the Family Foundation as donor or simply as informant. We need your help for two reasons:
- Now as donor. We ask € 15,00 a year (€ 14,00 if you do not live in the Netherlands). (see transfer for how to donate).
- And as informant to keep track of family events: birth, marriages, deceases, ...

Please send a letter or e-mail to the secretary, with your address, optionally your phone number and e-mail address. If you also tells the names of both your parents, we can locate you in the genealogy of the Afmans. If you want to be donor say it explicitly.