The Afman Family Foundation


The Foundation has been founded in Zwolle on August 19, 1998 (The notarial act of foundation was executed at Eenrum on Sept. 29, 1999)
A copy of the Charter is available on request to donators to the Foundation.

Cathy M. Afman
Rembrandtlaan 60-21
7944 GK Meppel
The Netherlands


Bank account:
NL52 INGB 0002 0263 84 of the 'Stichting Familie Afman' at Wezep, the Netherlands.
    (IBAN: NL52 INGB 0002 0263 84)

You can use your Paypal-account to transfer your donation. The e-mail address of the destination is:

Use Mutation Forms to inform the Foundation of birth, marriage, divorce and death in order to update the genealogy database. A separate form exists for reporting address mutations.