VIIId - KORNELIS AFMAN, born Bedum 16-07-1864 (see VIIb), painter's-servant (1886), painter (1889, 1890, 1909), painter (1896), painter and shopkeeper (1897), home-painter (1905, 1917), died Groningen 29-05-1917, married Uithuizen 08-05-1886
AALTJE KREMER, born Uithuizen 24-01-1859, no profession, died Uithuizen 01-03-1902, daughter of Tamme Hendriks Kremer and Petronella Klaas Hoppenga.
During this marriage the following children were born:
After the decease of Aaltje Kremer Kornelis Afman married Uithuizen 31-05-1905
ENGELINA SCHOLTENS, born Uithuizen 11-01-1867, maid-servant (1905), died Bedum 20-08-1922, daughter of Pieter Scholtens and Hendriktje of der Laan.
During this marriage the following children were born:
VIIId.a3 - PETRONELLA (NELTJE) AFMAN, born Uithuizen 29-09-1889 (see VIIId), maid-servant, died Roodeschool 05-10-1960, married Uithuizermeeden 30-08-1922
IMME DIJKENS, born Oudeschip 12-10-1864, fruit grower (berry and apple), died Uithuizermeeden 06-01-1952, son of Klaas Immens Dijkens and Aaltje Willems Brontsema.
During this marriage no children were born.
VIIId.a6 - BERENTJE (BEE) AFMAN, born Uithuizen 11-03-1894 (see VIIId), died Chicago Cook County, Illinois (USA) 09-06-1942, married Iowa (USA) 12-02-1921
KLAAS (NIEK) BEENES, born Houwerzijl 11-12-1886, farmer(servant), elevator operator, died Chicago, Illinois (USA), 02-07-1956, son of Gerben Beenes and Janna Kampinga.
During this marriage the following children were born.
VIIId.a9 - KORNELIA AFMAN, born Uithuizen 23-08-1898 (see VIIId), nuse in the Diaconessenziekenhuis in Groningen (1921-1927), died Hardenberg 06-04-1961, married Stad-Hardenberg 17-06-1927
HERMANUS (HERMAN) DURK SIERINK, bapt. Stad-Hardenberg 28-03-1903, coppersmith (1927), grocer, died Hardenberg 19-11-1971, son of Andries Sierink and Maria Helena Klaver.
During this marriage the following children were born.
VIIId.b2 - HENDERIKA JELTJE AFMAN, born Uithuizen 13-01-1910 (see VIIId), woman-farmer, no profession, died Groningen 18-02-1958
IXd - TIJL AFMAN, born Uithuizen 06-04-1887 (see VIIId), house painter, photographer (1909, 1912), owner of a painter's business / stone cutter's yard in Ten Post (mun. Ten Boer), died Ten Post (mun. Ten Boer) 04-12-1957, married Ten Boer 26-08-1909
WILLEMKE BAKKER, born Kroddeburen (mun. Ten Boer) 31-12-1888, chambermaid, housewife, died Ten Post (mun. Ten Boer) 14-10-1980, daughter of Roelf Bakker and Aeiltje (Heiltje) Boer.
During this marriage the following children were born.
IXe - TAMME AFMAN, born Uithuizen 25-08-1888 (see VIIId), painter, druggist, died Ulrum 21-05-1977, married Ulrum 29-04-1916
WILLEMMINA DIJKHUIS, born Odoorn 04-11-1887, died Ulrum 08-06-1976, daughter of Luie Renne Dijkhuis and Martje Niewold.
During this marriage the following children were born.
IXf - JELTE AFMAN, born Uithuizen 28-10-1890 (see VIIId), painter, paper hanger, died Chicago, Illinois (USA) 06-12-1961, married Chicago, Illinois (USA) 03-03-1914
TRACY FISCHER, born Chicago Illinois (USA) 06-01-1889, died Sheldon, Iowa (USA) 10-02-1919, daughter of Jacob Fischer and Florence (Frederika) Schoenbeck.
During this marriage the following children were born.
Jelte Afman married Chicago, Illinois (USA) 07-09-1923
LENA GRINWIS, born New Era, Michigan (USA) 19-09-1894, died South Holland, Illinois (USA) 07-12-1984, daughter of Thomas Grinwis and Lena Walcotte.
During this marriage no children were born.
IXg - JAN AFMAN, born Uithuizen 25-08-1895 (see VIIId), house painter, owner of a painter's business in Uithuizen (1920) and later of a painter's business at the Middelhorsterweg in Haren, died Haren 24-03-1976, married Uithuizen 12-05-1920
ANTJE TEMPEL, born Uithuizen 21-09-1897, died Haren 20-12-1930, daughter of Onne Tempel and Klaasina Smit.
During this marriage the following children were born.
Jan Afman married Haren 18-08-1936
WILHELMINA KLUNDER, born Groningen 13-03-1894, housewife, died Haren 24-01-1997, daughter of Arend Klunder and Jantje Oosterhuis.
During this marriage a daughter was born:
IXh - HENDRIK AFMAN, born Uithuizen 18-02-1897 (see VIIId), house and decoration painter, druggist in Leens, died Groningen 16-12-1969, married Leens 26-05-1921
BRECHTJE DIJKHUIS, born Ulrum 03-04-1898, shop keeper, died Leens 11-02-1927, daughter of Luie Renne Dijkhuis and Martje Niewold.
During this marriage a son was born:
Hendrik Afman married Leens 08-05-1930
ANJE NIEWOLD, born Houwerzijl (mun. Ulrum) 28-06-1899, housewife, druggist, died Assen 12-05-1985, daughter of Pieter Niewold and Aagtje de Haan.
During this marriage the following children were born.
IXi - KLAAS AFMAN, born Uithuizen 19-05-1900 (see VIIId), servant (1916-1918), travelling agent (1922), grocer (1923), commercial agent (1926-1930), salesman of covers for a firm in Groningen, patentee of glue for attaching covers, owner of Reparin, a factory for chemical products in Haarlem, died Bennebroek 31-12-1981, married Groningen 24-08-1922
GESINA (GÉ) BROUWER, born Winschoten 05-10-1905, died Bennebroek 16-02-1998, daughter of Hindrik Brouwer and Gesina Hillechiena Timmer.
During this marriage the following children were born.
IXd.2 - HEILTJE (AALTJE) AFMAN, born Kroddeburen (mun. Ten Boer) 29-12-1913 (see IXd), died Kampen 22-02-2013, married Ten Boer 19-11-1941
ARNOLDUS GERHARD HUIZINGA, born Ten Post (mun. Ten Boer) 12-10-1913, works manager of a granary and commission agent of flax, died Kampen 02-07-1993, son of Pieter Huizinga and Eppien Balkema.
During this marriage the following children were born.
IXd.6 - TRIJNTJE AFMAN, born Kroddeburen (mun. Ten Boer) 02-02-1924 (see IXd), died Groningen 06-01-1990, married Ten Boer 23-12-1949
PIETER MULDER, born Westerdijkshorn (mun. Bedum) 17-07-1920, accountant's assistant at accountant's office Top in Groningen, died Winsum 25-05-2006, son of Jan Mulder and Stevina of der Klok.
During this marriage the following children were born.
IXd.7 - PETRONELLA GESIENA (NELLIE) AFMAN, born Ten Post (mun. Ten Boer) 07-07-1927 (see IXd), married Ten Boer 03-06-1952
ELSIENUS LOUWES (SIENUS) BOL, born Thesinge 05-10-1924, house painter, transporter, owner of a business of trade in sand and gravel,
died Ten Boer 19-02-2015, son of Louwe Bol and Siebrig Groothoff.
During this marriage the following children were born.
IXd.8 - EILTJE BERTHA AFMAN, born Ten Post (mun. Ten Boer) 06-11-1930 (see IXd), invoice clerk, housewife, died Groningen 19-06-2018, married Ten Boer 13-09-1957
PIETER NIJBORG, born Groningen 02-06-1930, technical consultant in a warehouse, died Ten Post (mun. Ten Boer) 20-04-1999, son of Menne Nijborg and Wietske Roorda.
During this marriage the following children were born.
IXe.2 - MARTJE AFMAN, born Ulrum 19-03-1920 (see IXe), housewife, died Ulrum 29-08-2003, married Ulrum 11-09-1946
ALJE KONING, born Leens 06-10-1916, milkman, coal dealer, sexton of the Gereformeerde kerk (Reformed Church) in Leens, died Groningen 23-07-1987, son of Jan Koning and Trijntje Venhuis.
During this marriage no children were born.
IXg.a2 - KLASIENA AALTJE (SIEN) AFMAN, born Uithuizen 17-08-1924 (see IXg), died Zuidlaren 28-02-2020, married Stedum 07-06-1946
KORNELIS (COR) SLAGER, born Westeremden (mun. Stedum) 20-05-1922, owner of an ancillary supplier for agriculture and horticulture, died Bedum 02-02-2010, son of Jan Slager and Grietje de Vries.
Klasiena Aaltje is a daughter of Jan Afman (IXg) and his first wife Antje Tempel.
During this marriage the following children were born.
IXg.a3 - AALTJE ANNETTA AFMAN, born Uithuizen 08-01-1928 (see IXg), died Assen 14-05-2020, married Haren 24-10-1952
SIEMEN SMID, born Drachten 17-03-1929, draughtsman at the Province of Groningen, later at the Province of Drenthe, died Assen 18-12-1989, son of Willem Smid and Minke Boonstra.
Aaltje Annetta is a daughter of Jan Afman (IXg) and his first wife Antje Tempel.
During this marriage the following children were born.
IXg.b1 - JANTJE MARTJE CORNELIA (JANNIE) AFMAN, born Haren 17-08-1937 (see IXg), sales-lady in a fashion shop, married Haren 07-06-1961
JACOB BENNINK, born Haren 11-11-1935, welder instructor, died Groningen 02-03-1993, son of Albert Bennink and Alberdina Bonder.
Klasiena Aaltje is a daughter of Jan Afman (IXg) and his second wife Wilhelmina Klunder.
During this marriage the following children were born.
Jantje married 24-10-2013 Jan Joling, geb. Assen 07-12-1938, son of Roelof Joling and Lutgerdina Janssen.
IXh.1 - BRECHTJE (BEP) AFMAN, born Leens 10-05-1931 (see IXh), died Groningen 13-04-2018, married Slochteren 21-06-1993
PIETER GOEDVOLK, born Schiedam 26-04-1909, teacher, headmaster MAVO, died Groningen 10-01-1996, son of Jacob Goedvolk and Willemina Elisabeth Berkelaar.
IXh.5 - PIETERNELLA TRIENTJE (NELLIE) AFMAN, born Leens 06-05-1942 (see IXh), died Leens 01-01-1945.
IXi.1 - GEZINA HILLECHINA (SIES) AFMAN, born Groningen 26-11-1922 (see IXi), co-worker in an office, died Haarlem 2-03-2019, married Haarlem 20-01-1949
LAMBERTUS JOSEPHUS (BERT) BOEYINGA (BOEIJNGA), born Sassenheim 16-03-1922, clergyman, died Overveen 29-09-2009, son of Matthias Boeyinga and Aaltje Rousseau.
During this marriage the following children were born.
IXi.4 - ALI PETRONELLA AFMAN, born Haarlem 22-06-1936 (see IXi), married Denver, Colorado (USA) 23-04-1958
CORNELIS (NEAL) NIEUWENHUIS, born Lisse 24-07-1932, owner of an industrial catering business, son of Dirk Nieuwenhuis and Heiltje Gysbertje Oudshoorn.
During this marriage the following children were born.
Xk - KORNELIS (KEES) AFMAN, born Kroddeburen (mun. Ten Boer) 29-03-1912 (see IXd), house painter, representative, insurer, died Zuidlaren 22-11-1987, married Ten Boer 13-05-1942
GEERTJE BEUKEMA, born Ferwerd 21-03-1913, died Groningen 20-09-1996, daughter of Gerrad Pieter Beukema and Antje Arnolda Rasker.
During this marriage were born:
r. Tijl Anne Arnoldus AfmanX'l - ROELF AFMAN, born Kroddeburen (mun. Ten Boer) 29-05-1916 (see IXd), painter, shop servant, commercial traveller, shop keeper, independent representative for 'Potterie De Driehoek' in Huizen, member of city council of Kampen (1970-1973), died Zwolle 13-10-1984, married Ten Boer 29-12-1941
ALINA TIMMER, born Ten Post (mun. Ten Boer) 08-10-1916, shop-servant, seamstress, died Kampen 02-02-2008, daughter of Jan Timmer and Grietje Bolt.
During this marriage were born:
l.1 Margrietha Wilhelmina AfmanXm - AALJE AFMAN, born Ten Post (mun. Ten Boer) 01-03-1918 (see IXd), owner of a painting and paper hanging business in Enschede, died Dalfsen 29-03-2003, married Groningen 29-06-1942
AALTJE VOGEL, born Baflo 10-01-1920, died Zwolle 24-02-2012, daughter of Klaas Vogel and Cornelis Berghuis.
During this marriage were born:
m.1 Cornelia Willemke AfmanXn - LUIE RENNE (LEO) AFMAN, born Ulrum 03-07-1923 (see IXe), staff employee at an importation business of business cars , died Utrecht 07-09-2006, married Ulrum 15-11-1949
MARTJE SLOOT, born Ulrum 21-04-1928, seamstress and housewife, died Zeist 22-05-2013, daughter of Jacob Sloot and Janna Buikema.
During this marriage were born:
n.1 Janna AfmanXo - ALJE AFMAN, born Ulrum 14-05-1929 (see IXe), military, owner of a driving school, died Arnhem 17-05-2015, married Schiedam 21-08-1958
FRANCINA WILHELMINA (POP) of AALTEN, born Schiedam 02-02-1938
During this marriage were born:
x. Cornelis AfmanXp - CORNELIUS AFMAN, born Lansing, Illinois (USA) 04-03-1916 (see IXf), Painter, Paper hanger, died Chicago Illinois (USA) 01-05-1965, married Grand Rapids, Michigan (USA) 30-05-1941
FREDA LOUISE RYKSE, born Grand Rapids, Michigan (USA) 23-02-1916, nurse (retired), died Grand Rapids, Michigan (USA) 06-11-2009, daughter of Joseph Rykse and Agnes Deemter.
During this marriage were born:
z. Carl Jay Afman, born Chicago ILL USA 15-06-1943Xq - KORNELIS ONNE (CO) AFMAN, born Uithuizen 17-07-1921 (see IXg), official at the Rijksdienst voor de IJsselmeerpolders, public relation officer of the towm of Zwolle, died Zwolle 20-02-2002, married Haren 03-09-1947
GRIETJE THIJS, born Haren 15-08-1921, died Zwolle 27-08-2014, daughter of Hilbrand Thijs and Mientje Hes.
During this marriage were born:
ad. Paul Quinibert AfmanXr - KORNELIS (KEES) AFMAN, born Leens 01-10-1922 (see IXh), assistant accountant, inspector life assurances 'Nat. Nederlanden', died Ommen 18-08-2005, married Groningen 19-12-1947
DIEUWKE JOHANNA (DIET) NAUTA, born Groningen 20-02-1924, nurse, no profession, died Meppel 31-08-2014, daughter of Gooitsen Nauta and Fenna Catharina Moorlag.
During this marriage were born:
ae. Henk Christiaan AfmanXs - PIETER AGE AFMAN, born Leens 23-08-1932 (see IXh), municipal official, provincial civil-servant, secretary of the Interprovinciaal Overleg (IPO), married Leens 14-09-1955
PIETERNELLA WILHELMINA (ELLA) KADIJK, born Warfhuizen 25-04-1932, occupation therapist, housekeeping manager, died Zwolle 21-10-2012, daughter of Jan Kadijk and Adriana Maria ten Haaf.
During this marriage were born:
ah. Hendrik Kornelis Thijl AfmanXt - AALDRIK AFMAN, born Leens 08-11-1934 (see IXh), painter, owner of 'Schildersbedrijf Afman' in Zuidhorn, retired, married Wehe 07-10-1959
TRIENTJE (TINY) DOUMA, born Leens 15-02-1936, daughter of Roelof Douma and Hendrikje Brands.
During this marriage were born:
al. Hendrik Roelof AfmanXu - AGE HENDRIK AFMAN, born Leens 09-12-1939 (see IXh), co-director of 'Schildersbedrijf Afman', died Haren 16-05-1996, married Bedum 26-04-1968
TIJSIENA (INA) WIND, born Musselkanaal 11-07-1945, nurse, daughter of Jan Wind and Suzanna Kamminga.
During this marriage were born:
an. Jan Hendrik AfmanXv - JAN AFMAN, born Leens 02-03-1945 (see IXh), painter,
died Winsum 04-11-2014, married Ulrum 01-04-1970
WILLEMTJE (WILLY) SCHUITEMA, born Zuidhorn 13-12-1948, interior provider, daughter of Hilbrand Schuitema and Seeske Boonstra.
During this marriage were born:
v.1 Marije José AfmanXw - KORNELIS AFMAN, born Groningen 29-06-1925 (see IXi), store-owner, former managing Furniture Store, died Arroyo, Californië (USA) 26-04-2014, married 17-12-1953
BARBARA BRUNDIGE, born Denver, Colorado (USA) 27-06-1932, housewife, daughter of Chuck Brundige and Peggy.
During this marriage were born:
w.1 Gayle Elaine Afman, born Denver CO USA 30-05-1955In July 1971 the marriage of Kornelis Afman and Barbara Brundige is dissolved by divorce.
Kornelis Afman married Carmel, Californië (USA) 16-10-1981
JOHANNA MARIA (JOKE, JOYCE) DEKKER, born Aalsmeer 01-06-1931, died Carmel, Californië (USA) 14-12-1997, store-owner, daughter of Gerrit Dekker and Antje Valstar.
During this marriage no children were born.
Xx - HINDRIK AFMAN, born Haarlem 19-01-1932 (see IXi), Real estate procurer for Exon Oil, Sales Manager for a Denver Real Estate firm, International Director of Real Estate for a restaurant chain, Consulting Arborist of Dutch Master Gardeners Inc., Chairman of the Board of The Alkare Foundation, died ?? (CA) 29-10-2021, married Denver, Colorado (USA) 07-01-1955
DONNA TIMMER, born Orange City, Iowa (USA) 02-08-1932, Seismographic Analist, daughter of Jan Timmer and Ina Verhoef.
During this marriage were born:
aq Klaas Henry Afman, born Grand Junction CO USA 15-02-1958The marriage of Hindrik Afman and Donna Timmer is dissolved by divorce in Denver, Colorado (USA) ..-05-1971.
Hindrik Afman married Denver, Colorado (USA) 05-08-1971
LINDA ELIZABETH ARNOLD, born Bloomington, Illinois (USA) 13-10-1941, “Realtor Associate, Multi-Million Dollar Club”, mayor of Grand Junction, Colorado (USA), daughter of Charles Arnold and Virginia Rust.
The marriage of Hindrik Afman and Linda Elizabeth Arnold is dissolved by divorce in Grand Junction, Colorado (USA) 12-08-2010.
During this marriage no children were born.
Data on daughters in generation X are not available on this website because of privacy rules.
Data on generations XI - XIII are not available on this website because of privacy rules.