VIIIc - JAN AFMAN, born Bedum 07-10-1859 (see VIIb), servant (1878), day-labourer (1882-1886), shopkeeper (1889, 1906), merchant (1890), died Bedum 18-02-1906, married Ten Boer 07-01-1882
AALTJE BUURMA, born Middelstum 10-08-1854, maid-servant (1886), died Bedum 11-03-1937, daughter of Lambertus Jakobs Buurma and Geertje Everts Wollenga.
During this marriage the following children were born:
VIIIc.4 - GEERTJE AFMAN, born Bedum 15-05-1893 (see VIIIc), died Groningen 05-11-1955, married Bedum 26-04-1918
THOMAS PIJPER, born Bierum 24-06-1894, shoemaker in Bedum, died Bedum 11-09-1977, son of Harm Pijper and Klaassiena Jakobs.
During this marriage the following children were born.
IXc - THIJLE (TIJLE) AFMAN, born Ten Boer 04-03-1882 (see VIIIc), merchant (1906, 1908), shop keeper (1911), farmer (1918-1922), carrier (1922, 1927, 1930), died Baflo 02-04-1930, married Bedum 01-05-1907
AAFFIEN (AFIEN) HUIZENGA, born Bedum 08-05-1878, no profession (1911), died Baflo 06-01-1923, daughter of Renze Jans Huizenga and Trijntje Noordhuis.
During this marriage the following children were born.
Thijle Afman married Baflo 20-07-1925
JELTJE SCHOLMA, born Obergum (mun. Winsum) 26-01-1892, housekeeper (1925), retailer of Insulinde coffee, tea, and chocolate (1930), died Groningen 09-02-1973, daughter of Luitje Scholma and Aaltje Kingma.
During this marriage the following children were born:
IXc.a5 - AALTJE AFMAN, born Bedum 22-07-1912 (see IXc), died Surrey, Canada 16-03-2009, married Groningen 20-12-1940
ITE DE BOER, born Oostwold 20-11-1913, grocer (1946), maintenance carpenter in Sears, "in his egg, poultry and produce home delivery business", died Surrey, Canada 04-04-2009, son of Pieter de Boer and Martje Hoolsema.
During this marriage the following children were born.
IXc.a6 - ANJE BERENDJE AFMAN, born Bedum 30-12-1913 (see IXc), maid-servant, no profession, died Abbotsford British Columbia (Canada) 19-02-1999, married Bedum 15-05-1936
KLAAS DE BOER, born Leek 28-02-1912, greengrocer, vegetable grower, fruit grower, died Abbotsford, British Columbia (Canada) 23-06-1992, son of Pieter de Boer and Martje Hoolsema.
During this marriage the following children were born.
IXc.b2 - TRIJNTJE AFMAN, born Baflo 24-05-1928 (see IXc), maid-servant (1942), co-worker kitchen/restaurant 'Het Tehuis' in Groningen, died Groningen 15-01-2004. Unmarried.
Xh - JAN AFMAN, born Bedum 20-08-1907 (see IXc), carrier, shipping agent, died Baflo 29-10-1986, married Baflo 13-04-1930
JANTJE HARTZEMA, born Den Andel (gem Baflo) 26-04-1910, died Baflo 21-03-1980, daughter of Tiemen (Abraham) Hartzema and Anje Tegeler.
During this marriage were born:
k. Theo Afman, born Baflo 17-08-1930, overl Everett WA USA 29-09-2017Xi - BEREND (BEN) AFMAN, born Bedum 17-05-1916 (see IXc), milkman, farm labourer, salesman, died St. Thomas, Ontario (Canada) 17-04-1981, married 11-07-1940
TRIJNTJE (TINA) VRIEZEMA, born Een (Drente) 27-02-1917, seamstress/dressmaker, clerk in a Christian Bookstore, died St. Thomas, Ontario (Canada) 21-06-2004, daughter of Pieter Vriezema and Albertje Kol.
During this marriage were born:
i.1 Afiena Afman geb. Hoogkerk 14-07-1941Xj - LUITJE (LUUT) AFMAN, born Baflo 24-05-1927 (see IXc), farm-hand (1939-1954), carpenter, died Winsum 26-03-2010, married Eenrum 14-02-1948
IDA of DER PLOEG, born Pieterburen 31-08-1925, housewife, died Winsum 03-07-2007, daughter of Teake of der Ploeg and Harmina Hekstra.
During this marriage were born:
j.1 Harmiena Jeltje AfmanData on daughters in generation X are not available on this website because of privacy rules.
Data on generations XI - XIII are not available on this website because of privacy rules.