VIIIa - JACOB JAN AFMAN, born Groningen 05-10-1846, bapt. Groningen (Nieuwe Kerk (New church)) 1846 (see VIIa), joiner's-servant (1860), goldsmith (1866), goldsmith's servant (1870), goldsmith (1873, 1874, 1881), died Groningen 11-05-1881, married Groningen 30-05-1872
MARTINA IDA SCHUUR, bapt. Groningen 19-12-1840, no profession (1873, 1874), died Groningen 05-01-1919, daughter of Hendrik Jan Schuur and Marguerite Brocard.
During this marriage the following children were born:
VIIIb - ENGEL AFMAN, born Groningen 18-11-1851 (see VIIa), book-keeper (1878-1911), adjudant non-commissioned officer standard bearer, also member of the Council of the Civic Guard (1886), administrator of the Provinciale Groninger Courant (1907, 1908), confidential clerk of the Nieuwe Provinciale Courant, no profession (1918, 1919), died Groningen 19-07-1919, married Groningen 22-12-1877
DIEWERTJE FLIERINGA, born Leeuwarden 09-08-1853, no profession (1878), died Groningen 10-09-1882, daughter of Hendrik Christoffel Flieringa and Harmanna Numan of den Bos.
During this marriage the following children were born.
After the decease of Diewertje Flieringa Engel Afman married Amsterdam 24-12-1885
MARIA CORNELIA SOPHIA CATHARINA of DER KLAAUW, born Hoorn 25-12-1850, no profession (1889, 1891), died Groningen 01-04-1927, daughter of Cornelis of der Klaauw and Harmanna Numan van den Bos.
During this marriage the following children were born.
Harm Cornelis Afman, born Groningen 31-10-1891, revenue official “voorselven” (for himself), employee at the Bataafse Petroleummaatschappij (1919), store-keeper (1922), tax consultant (1950), died Groningen 01-03-1962, married by proxy Balik Papan, Borneo (Indonesia)/ Ooglijdersgasthuis Utrecht 05-06-1919 Maria Theresia Mair, born Rotterdam 15-09-1896, died Groningen 02-03-1962, daughter of Willem Alexander Paul Frederik Lodewijk Mair and Anna Maria Francina Van Ede van der Pals.
the marriage with Maria Theresia Mair was dissolved by divorce.
Harm Cornelis Afman married Groningen 11-07-1922 Everina Berendina Vaags, born Haarlemmermeer 18-08-1896, without profession (1922, 1970), died Groningen 02-09-1970, daughter of Petrus Gerhardus Vaags and Maria Johanna van der Elst.
VIIIa.2 - TRIENTJE AFMAN, born Groningen 27-09-1874 (see VIIIa), died Oslo (Noorwegen) 10-03-1950. She moves before 1916 to Oslo (Norway) with
ANDREAS (ANDRÉ) HINDERIKUS KLUGKIST, born Groningen 20-06-1869, bapt. Groningen (Aa Kerk) 20-06-1869, cigar maker (1891), died Oslo (Noorwegen) 14-11-1946, son of Hessel Klugkist and Elizabeth Alting.
During this relation a daughter was born.
VIIIb.a1 - ANTJE JACOBA AFMAN, born Groningen 21-09-1878, bapt. Groningen (Martinikerk) 20-10-1878 (see VIIIb), no profession (1918), died Groningen 10-12-1918, married Groningen 27-10-1904
HENDRIK TAK, born Groningen 03-11-1871, bapt. Groningen (Nieuwe Kerk) 24-12-1871, civil servant (1904), died Groningen 09-05-1945, son of Hendrik Tak and Engelina Kraan.
During this marriage the following children were born.
VIIIb.a2 - HARMANNA KLASINA AFMAN, born Groningen 29-12-1880 (see VIIIb), bapt. Groningen (Martini kerk) 13-12-1881, died Groningen 11-12-1956, married Groningen 24-12-1903
SIMON XAVERIUS SCHORTINGHUIS, born Onstwedde 16-10-1877, confectioner, owner of a milk bar (1922), died Groningen 08-01-1948, son of Adrianus Johannes Schortinghuis and Harmanna Pals.
During this marriage the following children were born.
VIIIb.b1 - SOPHIA AGNETA TITIA AFMAN. born Groningen 20-03-1888 (see VIIIb), no profession (1911), died Groningen 15-02-1952, married Groningen 27-04-1911
MEINDERT KOENS, born Loppersum 25-02-1885, teacher in book-keeping (1911), accountant (1952), died Groningen 22-05-1952, son of Johannes Koens and Jantje Kraijma.
During this marriage the following children were born.
IXa - HARM AFMAN, born Groningen 27-05-1873, bapt. Groningen (Nieuwe Kerk) 22-06-1873 (see VIIIa), travelling agent, bookkeeper (1898), agent in insurances (1899), clerk (1900), clerk at a town clerk's office (1902, 1905, 1910, 1911), office-clerk (1919), office-clerk at Publisher Noordhoff in Groningen, died Groningen 16-01-1919, married Groningen 16-06-1898
JOHANNA HINDERIKA STERENBERG, born Termunterzijl (gem. Termunten) 16-08-1875, no profession (1898, 1899, 1902, 1905, 1911), died Groningen 18-11-1945, daughter of Nikolaas Sterenberg and Renske Hazenhoek.
During this marriage the following children were born.
IXb - HENDRIK JAN AFMAN, born Groningen 17-11-1878, bapt. Groningen (Nieuwe Kerk) 22-12-1878 (see VIIIa), cleaner, man-servant, waiter, office-servant, book seller's-servant, no profession, died Amsterdam 13-12-1960, married Haarlem 27-07-1905
MARIA PETRONELLE SERNÉ, born Haarlem 20-11-1878, died Amsterdam 12-07-1944, daughter of Pieter Serné and Adriana Elizabeth Immer.
Amsterdam 11-02-1927 the marriage was dissolved by divorce.
During this marriage a daughter was born:
IXa.3 - MARTINA IDA AFMAN, born Groningen 07-07-1902 (see IXa), office-servant, bookkeeper (1949), died Almelo 24-06-1958, married Almelo 25-08-1953
JAN HENDRIK TE BOEKHORST, born Gendringen 29-03-1897, teacher German language at the U.L.O. in Almelo.
IXa.7 - TRIENTJE AFMAN, born Groningen 13-01-1908 (see IXa), matron of the old peoples home 'Brinkhove' at the Utrechtseweg in Zeist, died Zeist 02-12-1994.
IXb.1 - WILHELMINA HENDRIKA AFMAN, born Amsterdam 30-09-1908 (see IXb), housekeeper, died Amsterdam 14-05-2005, married Amsterdam 30-10-1945
HERMANNUS KUIPERS, born Amsterdam 14-05-1890, office-servant, died Amsterdam 03-11-1966.
During this marriage a son was born:
Xa - NICOLAAS HARM (NICO) AFMAN, born Groningen 07-01-1899 (see IXa), youngest server at the Algemeene Groninger Levensverzekerings-Mij., manager suboffice Algemene Friesche Levensverzekerings-Mij., deputy manager Algemene Friesche Levensverzekerings-Mij., managing director Aegon office ’s Gravenhage (ca 1964), died Drachten 03-06-1978, notice of intended marriage Leeuwarden 14-08-1927, married Leeuwarden 29-08-1928
GOZINA GEERTRUIDA DE BRUIN, born Leeuwarden 03-01-1907, died Wassenaar 03-10-1972, daughter of Paulus Andries de Bruin and Martina Wilhelmina van ’t Hul.
During this marriage were born:
a.1 Johanna Martiena Afman, born Lekkum (gem. Leeuwarderadeel) 12-08-1930, died Capelle aan de IJssel 04-03-2010. married Wassenaar 06-06-1963 Wilhelmus Henderikus Gerritsen, born. Den Haag 06-06-1933, died Rotterdam 26-01-1988.Xb - JACOB ENGEL JAN (JACQUES) AFMAN, born Groningen 28-04-1900 (see IXa), salesman 'Schutkartonfabriek Loenen', sales manager, founder (in 1945) and secretary/treasurer of the ‘Zwolsche Kunstkring’, stage-manager and stage-actor of the 'Zwolse rederijkers', president of the ‘Koninklijke Rederijkerskamer Zwolle’, died Zwolle 02-11-1976, married Groningen 13-06-1927
ELISABETH MECHELINA (BEP) HART, born Amsterdam 31-05-1902, died Zwolle 26-11-1988, daughter of Franciscus Johannes Hart and Engelina Margaretha Bollweg.
During this marriage was born:
a. Franciscus Johannes Afman, born Arnhem 11-12-1933, died Amsterdam 04-05-2011Xc - HARM NIKOLAAS AFMAN, born Groningen 26-11-1904 (see IXa), taylor's-apprentice, taylor (1940), chief of the clothes studio 'Grol' in Groningen, plant manager of 'Grol' in Nieuweschans and Hoogeveen, died Groningen 14-09-1976, married Groningen 31-07-1939
ALBERTA GORTER, born Groningen 05-12-1916, seamstress, died Groningen 29-05-2000, daughter of Gosse Gorter and Sara Sikkens.
During this marriage were born:
c.1 Johanna AfmanXd - JOHAN HENDRIK AFMAN, born 16-01-1906 (see IXa), bookkeeper, proxy of the firm M. M. Maas (1924-1958), a wholesale trade in linoleum and carpets in Groningen (1958-1964), commissioner at the 'N.V. Waterleidingmij.' on behalf of the Province of Groningen, vice-president of the Board of commissioners at the 'N.V. Waterleidingmij.', member of the Board of directors of the 'N.V. Luchthaven Eelde' in Groningen; co-founder, treasurer and mediator of the ‘Gemeenschap Oud Illegale Werkers ‘(G.O.I.W.) in Groningen, member of the town council of Groningen (1945), member of the Provincial Executive of Groningen (1962-1969), died Groningen 05-05-1994, married Groningen 05-03-1931
WILLEMINA RENSKE of DER VEEN, born Nieuwolda 10-07-1904, died Groningen 12-06-1988, daughter of Hendrik of der Veen and Grietje Nap ("opoe Bierum").
During this marriage were born:
c. Hendrik Afman, born Groningen 14-08-1931, died Zuidlaren 13-08-1995.Xe - HENDRIK JAN AFMAN, born Groningen 11-04-1911 (see IXa), office clerk at the Groninger Beurtvaart Maatschappij 'De Hunzeboten', died Groningen 26-01-1984, married Groningen 15-05-1939
CREESSIEN NUIVER, born Groningen 10-01-1914, died Groningen 18-08-1987, daughter of Hendrik Nuiver and Eilke Klunder.
During this marriage were born:
e. Henk AfmanXf - KASPER WIGBOLT AFMAN, born Groningen 26-03-1914 (see IXa), surveyor, teacher in De Koog and Huis ter Heide, teacher in the English language at the Hartenlust–Mulo in Bloemendaal, teacher in the English language at the IJmond MTS in Velzen, died Overveen (mun. Bloemendaal) 01-02-1992, married Utrecht 06-06-1940
ROELFINA (ROELY) FERWERDA, born Eysden 21-04-1916, child nurse, died Haarlem 25-12-1990, daughter of Johannes Ferwerda and Grietje Koops.
During this marriage were born:
g. Hans Kasper Afman, born Heer (L) 04-04-1941, died Soest 28-09-2017.Xg - RENGER NIKOLAAS AFMAN, born Groningen 23-05-1917 (see IXa), government accountant in Amsterdam, later in Almelo, accountant at the VAC (coöperatieve Vereniging voor Accountants Controle), partner of 'Dechesne of den Boom & Co' accountants in Heerlen, died Hengelo (Overijssel) 03-05-2006, married Amsterdam 21-08-1940
MAGRETHA (GRÉ) FERWERDA, born Eijsden 14-10-1914, teacher, nurse, housewife, died Vlissingen 24-12-1999, daughter of Johannes Ferwerda and Grietje Koops.
Magretha Ferwerda is a sister of Roelfina Ferwerda (see Xf).
During this marriage were born:
-- Hans Bernhard AfmanData on daughters in generation X are not available on this website because of privacy rules.
Data on generations XI - XIII are not available on this website because of privacy rules.