This website is organized like a book. This introductory page is followed by a number of chapters, each consisting of one or more pages that can be reached by clicking on their name in the contents list.
On all pages dates are written in dd-mm-yyyy format.
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Genealogy | Open the appendix with the genealogy |
The appendix contains additional data on the genealogy and contains entries for all ancestors. By clicking on a persons name in the pages of the chapter 'The family tree', the appendix is opened at the corresponding entry. Click on the fathers' name if a name is not a link.
Depending on the settings of your browser the appendix will be opened in a separate window or in a new tab page.The appendix consists of a page for the generations I through VII, followed by a separate page for each of the family branches with data on the generations VIII through X. The pages are linked to each other.
In order to protect the privacy of the living family members data on the generations XII and XIII are not included. For the generation XI only the number of sons and daughters are disclosed in the entries of their parents in generation X.