The Afman Family Foundation

The common roots

In 1812 the Registars Office was introduced by Napoleon. People who didn't have a surname, had to invent one. Brothers and nephews made their own choice (printed in bold face in the table below). It is clear that the Afman Family has its oldest generations in common with other families, of which the Engels family still exists today.

(In the tables the daughters of the first 9 generations are listed in the same field as their father; the sons figure in the next column.)

The first generations
ca. 1625 -
after 1655
2. Anneke Roelefs
Engel Roelefs
1682 and 1690
1. Hille Engels
4. Anna Engels
a. Roelef Engels
around 1676 - after 1727
a.2 Oktjen Roelefs
a. Engel Roelefs
a.2 Eefke Engels
a.4 Frouwe Engels
a.5 Bottje Engels
a.6 Ettjen Engels
-- Wildrik Engels
-- Roelof Engels
-- Peter Engels
b. Jan Engels
1678-before 1707
b.1 Martien Jans
c. Berent Engels
1722 and 1727
c.2 Geesien Berents
c.4 Martien Berents
c.5 Trijntien Berents
b. Engel Berents
1758 and 1763
b.a1 Lijsabeth Engels
b.a2 Elsjen Engels
b.a3 Anna Engels
b.b2 Harmke Engels
b.b3 Trijntje Engels
b.b4 Doetje Engels
a. Berent Engels
a.1 Geertjen Berents
a.2 Jantje Berents
a.3 Harmke Berents
-- Engel Berents
a.5 Tallechien Berents
b. Nomde Engels
  (Afman >)
b.2 Martje Nomdes
b.3 Geertje Nomdes
c. Roelof Berents
1711-after 1740
c.1 Elsien Roelfs
c.2 Stijntien Roelfs
c.3 Stijntien Roelfs
c.4 Geesjen Roelfs
-- Berent Roelefs