The Afman Family Foundation

Geographical dispersal (the Netherlands)

In August 1996 about 340 persons bearing the name "Afman" were known to us. Most namesakes (190 persons) lived in the Netherlands. 75 of this group were residing in the province of Groningen.

On May 31, 1947 a census of population was held. On the occasion of this census people had to mention their surnames. The family-names are registered per municipality and all those names are documented per province in repertories. On the basis of this data it is possible to map the geographical dispersal of the name "Afman" in 1947.

55 namesakes in the province of Groningen lived in 11 municipalities: Baflo (11), Bedum (1), Ten Boer (7), Haren (3), Hoogkerk (1), Leens (7), Stedum (1), Uithuizermeeden (2), Ulrum (3) and Winsum (2). In the city of Groningen we find 17 persons with the name "Afman", or over 20 % of all namesakes in the Netherlands.

Eleven namesakes lived in the province of Overijssel, dispersed over 4 municipalities: Almelo (5), Enschede (2), Hardenberg (1) and Zwolle (3). The province of Noord-Holland numbered three municipalities in which members of our family lived: Amsterdam (3), Haarlem (5) and Wieringermeer (1).

In the remaining provinces our family-name has only sporadically been found. In the province of Zuid-Holland: Wassenaar (3). In the province of Utrecht: Soest (3). In the province of Limburg: Heer (4). In 1947 the name "Afman" did not figure at all in the provinces of Friesland, Drenthe, Gelderland, Zeeland and Noord-Brabant.

So on May 31, 1947, the Netherlands counted 84 persons with the surname "Afman". Fifty five of them (over 65%) lived in the province of Groningen.

(From the first Family Book Afman, 1996)

The dispersal of the Afmans in the Netherlands in 2011

Since 1947 the number of Afmans in the Netherlands increased to a total of 233. Furthermore the Afmans are more evenly distributed over the 12 provinces.

Displayed in the table are the counts of home addresses, so children who still live at their parental home are not included in the counts.

Groningen 67
Overijssel 34
Utrecht 27
Drente 26
Gelderland 25
Zuid-Holland 10
Friesland 9
Flevoland 2
Zuid-Limburg 2
Zeeland 0